Services for Children With Disabilities

The following departments at the Santa Clara County Office of Education provide services, information, and support for children with disabilities and their caregivers.

Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA)

The Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) coordinates with school districts and the Santa Clara County Office of Education to provide a continuum of programs and services for students with disabilities from ages birth through 22 years of age. The department provides information and trainings to families on a variety of special education topics and also offers Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services to support families who have a child with a disability. Learn more at

Early Start

The Early Start program is a collaborative effort between the San Andreas Regional Center, the Santa Clara County Office of Education, and a consortium of other community agencies. The department serves children ages birth to three and provides support and resources to family members and caregivers to enhance children's learning and development. Visit the Early Start website to learn more about eligibility.

Special Education

The Special Education department provides a variety of services for children and students with severe or low-incidence disabilities through instructional programs divided into Early Education (birth to age 3), preschool, elementary, secondary and post-senior. Programs are held within specific school clusters across the county. The department also serves students attending institutional schools, community schools, and pediatric-skilled nursing facilities. The department provides support with assistive technology, augmentative and alternative communication, vision and orientation, and mobility services. Visit the Special Education website to learn more.

Inclusion Collaborative

The Inclusion Collaborative builds a culture that promotes equity, inclusion and belonging through various community services and activities. The department offers professional development and coaching that strengthens inclusive classroom practices in school districts as well as childcare programs, engages in advocacy, leads the Makerspace, and provides free support, information and referrals to families who have a child with a disability and other needs through the Inclusion Support Warmline . The department is also one of many locations across Santa Clara County that supports families with developmental assessments (Ages and Stages Questionnaire). Visit the Inclusion Collaborative website to learn more.

Santa Clara County Childcare Resource & Referral Program

Contact the Resource & Referral Program (R&R) to find childcare and preschool programs in Santa Clara County that meet your child's needs. The R&R is a free service offered to all families.